Selasa, 23 November 2010

Cangkuang Temple ; GARUT, WEST JAVA

Dating back to Java’s Hindu periode, the Cangkuang Temple is one of West Java’s oldest monuments. Beautifully situated near Leles north of Garut, Cangkuang is a magical visit back to old Sundanese roots.From Bandung and back this outing takes five to six hours.

A bamboo raft glides across a small lake overgrown with water lilies to the temple located on a peninsula. On the other side a flight of stairs leads through a grove of big old trees to the temple located on the hilltop. Cangkuang is the old preserved building in West Java. Estimate of when it was built vary between the seventh and tenth century A.D, during the time of the Sunda kingdom of Galuh, remains of which can bee seen at Karang Kamulyaan. Dutch Archeological Service first reported the collapsed remains of the temple in 1914, but not until the 60’s was the site more closely investigated. The temple door faces the rising sun. Inside is a statue of Siva itting on a cow, leading one to believe that the temple was devoted to Siva during Java’s Hindu era. Prior to reconstruction, the site was a place of worship and pilgrims often came here to lift one of the stones to obtain good luck.

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